A downloadable game

Do you want to sow conspiracy or stop it in its tracks? Lizards and Lies is a 2v2 (or 1v1) battler that lets you play with the push and pull of conspiracy theory moving through social media. Play as one of four characters and use unique abilities and cards to influence the network. Platform Moderators and Educators face off against Edgelords and Conspiracy theorists in this asymmetrical board brawler. Will you convince the world that lizards are taking over, or that birds are surveilling society? Or will you shut down these lies?

Lizards and Lies is designed as a serious game meant to reflect the movement of disinformed content (like conspiracy) through social media. You can learn more about the research of this project through some of its publications here: https://monitormag.ca/articles/the-playful-undertones-of-radicalization,  https://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/article/view/2869


Print and Play LL EN.zip 19 MB
Print et Play LL Version Francais.zip

Install instructions

Thanks for downloading the game. As a print and play you will have to do some work in cutting out the pieces. Make sure you cut out and organize the following:

  1. Game Board (there is a full sized file and a tiled version depending on your printer)
  2. Player cards x 4. (There are 4 playable characters each with a deck of 12 cards. The files are double-sided so take care when you print it)
  3. Player boards x4 (there is one file that contains all of these boards).
  4. Player tokens. This file has been set up to give you enough tokens to play the game (with some extra).
  5. The rules document has been prepared as a foldable booklet, but to save on paper you can just read it online.
  6. The scenario is optional and restricts the game to 3 rounds. If you choose to play without it, we recommend a 4 round game as sufficient. Also, stay tuned for a version of the scenario you can make yourself.

Thanks so much and enjoy the game.

Development log

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